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The Top 5 Fastest Growing and Flowering Texas Vines

Many of our customers like to soften the look of their fences with some foliage. So we thought this week we’d report on some of the more successful vines to grow well on fences here in Texas. They’re awfully pretty, too. Vines work better than shrubbery if you have a small yard, or don’t want to sacrifice any of your outdoor space to bulky shrubs.

The 5 Best Growing Texas Vines

The Top Growing, Flowering, Climbing and Evergreen Vines for Texas Fence:


Top Growing: Wisteria

It’s hard to say what’s better, the look or the smell of this purple or white flower. It can grow 30 to 40 feet in spring.

Evergreen: Carolina Jessamine

Don’t let the name fool you. This vine with bright yellow, tubular flowers is native to East Texas. It’s shade-tolerant – though it’s also happy to soak up some sun — evergreen, and smells great. Carolina jessamine will beautify your chain link fence in all four seasons.

Fast Growing: Rangoon Creeper

This Asian perennial grows fast, creeping all over your fence in a single season. The showy pink, white and red trumpet flowers will have your neighbors asking what the heck kind of vine it is. In the late winter, you can prune it all the way to the ground and it will come back in spring.

We Do Gates

Native to Texas: Confederate star jasmine

Who doesn’t love jasmine? This evergreen vine blooms in spring. Be sure to spend some time inhaling in the scent of the little white star-shaped blooms.

Top Flowering: Coral Honeysuckle

If you want to attract hummingbirds to your yard, this semi-evergreen vine will do it. Two-inch trumpet-shaped coral flowers and red berries create a pleasing floral show, especially during spring. You’ll still get sporadic blooms into the fall. Honeysuckle prefers sun, and does well on vinyl fences.

A Few Vine Tips

  • Vines may not be such a good friend for wood fences. If you want to introduce a vine, pick an annual that’s non-woody. Guide them towards fence posts and support beams, and away from more sensitive slats.
  • If you want your vine to do double duty, pick something thorny to add to your security.
  • Avoid invasives. If in doubt, ask at your local nursery. In fact, you’re much safer buying a plant at a nursery than clipping that pretty mystery plant you saw down the street. That pretty mystery vine just might take over your yard and house, then swipe your car keys.
  • Be sure to find out how much sun and space your new vine needs, and if it has any special soil requirements. Match your vine’s needs with what you have to offer, and you’ll have a happy relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Boston ivy grow in Texas?
Yes. Boston ivy grows well in Texas on walls, fences, and trees.

Does poison ivy grow in Texas?
Yes. Make sure to double-check any vine before touching since poison ivy grows naturally in Texas.

Will honeysuckle grow in Texas?
Yes. Honeysuckle grows naturally in the North and West parts of the state.

Will clematis grow in Texas?
Clematis grows well in wet soil in the East and South part of the state.

Need some more ideas about what vine to grow on which type of fence? Contact us for all your fence-related needs and questions.

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