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At Buzz, we like the look of a clean, fresh fence. But every once in a while – especially around Halloween – we get the urge to enhance our fence in a ghoulish way. At the same time, we’re not exactly Martha Stewart. So here are a few quick, easy ways to add some seasonal menace to your fence.
Spider webs
It doesn’t get easier and cheaper than gussying up your fence with fake spider webs. An investment of 99 cents at your local party store buys enough web to host a very large and scary spider. Feel incomplete? Throw down a few more bucks and you can own your own arachnid.

Fence toppers

Bats, ghosts, black cats, pumpkins, gargoyles and witches are just a few Halloween motifs that make perfect fence toppers. If you’re feeling really fancy, you can buy Halloween finials made to top your fence. Otherwise, choose decorations on stakes to weave through slats in chain link, or pile a few pumpkins on the columns flanking your gates.

Ready for a new fence?

Almost as cheap and easy as spider web, Halloween garlands drape nicely from any type of fence. Attach to posts, and let them drape gracefully over pickets. Plastic is the way to go for outdoor garlands, rather than soggy paper.
Since this design solution may require plugging and unplugging, Halloween lights are not for the entirely lazy unless you go with solar. Drape your lights over the fence, or stake individual lights in the ground along your fence line. We recommend spooky glowing skulls.
Always in style, lean a few fake tombstones against your fence. You can buy these at the party store, or get creative and surprise your friends, relatives and neighbors with personalized markers.
Has all this attention paid to your fence made you realize that something’s lacking? Like maybe a few slats, or an attractive style? At Buzz, we’re here to help year-round, whether it’s Halloween, Easter or in between. Give us a call and we’ll make sure your fence is up to snuff every day of the year.