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7 Halloween Safety Tips for Your Property

At Buzz, we like the right kind of spooky for Halloween—vampires, bats and kids dressed up as cute witches—and not the bad kind—creepy vandals pranking your property, leaving a trail of destruction and insurance claims. Follow these 7 tips for the kind of Halloween you’ll enjoy remembering.

halloween porch decor

Light the Pathways

Those cute little ghouls and mummies need a safe route to your candy basket. Make sure your porch light is powerful enough for them to find their way.

Light the Dark Corners

You know what most ne’er-do-wells hate? Bright lights shining on their evil deeds. Don’t provide dark corners for their Halloween tomfoolery. Motion sensor lights are especially good for this purpose.

Ready for a new fence?

Clear Tripping Hazards

Slippery leaves, unruly Halloween decorations, cracks in sidewalks, snips, snails, puppy dog tails—all these can derail your trick-or-treaters and their more fragile accompanying chaperones. Be sure to deal with tripping hazards ahead of time.

gate safety

Lock Gates

Just because you’re welcoming kids onto your front porch doesn’t mean you want them skulking around your backyard. To some rascals, an unlocked gate is an invitation. Especially on a night that celebrates trickery. Don’t tempt them.

Beware of Fire

Yes, candles in jack o’lanterns are a wonderful Halloween symbol. But the aesthetic pleasure doesn’t balance the fire risk. Candles belong inside, and only under constant supervision. It takes one careless flick of a cat’s tail or a child’s hand to dislodge a candle and start a fire.

We Do Gates

Keep Pets Inside

For everybody’s safety, pets should be indoors on Halloween. We’ve heard of some awful pranks played on pets, which are too horrible to repeat here. Restraining your pets is also safer for children. It’s a well-known fact that dogs are sensitive to ghosts, witches, vampires, and other supernatural creatures. Too many children dressed up as such may rile even the calmest Bassett hound.

Repair your Fence

Missing pickets and loose boards also provide an invitation to vandals. Make sure your fence is shipshape before Halloween. And consider dressing up your fence with tasteful décor, such as a Frankenstein head impaled on a finial, or an eyeball garland.

Happy Halloween from your friends at Buzz! Need help getting your fence Halloween ready? Give us a call!