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Worley Driveway Gate

A sagging gate makes a sad first impression. Nobody wants an unloved gate to be what greets guests when they drop by your home or business. But broken or ailing gates can also be safety and security hazards. Here are some things to look for when assessing your gate’s health.

walk gate

At Buzz, we’re thrilled that smartphones are for more than checking Facebook, playing Candy Crush and online dating. Now, some honest-to-God useful technology enables people to control their access gates and garage doors with a smartphone app.

old cedar fence

After a long winter, thoughts naturally turn to getting outside and playing in the yard. And maybe when you finally venture outside into your possibly neglected yard, you feel like your exterior could use a little more pizazz. Perhaps it’s time for a gate makeover. Here are seven ways you can dress up your gate.

constructing a fence

We know how it is. Sometimes those important house projects seem overwhelming. We wonder if we’ll never get around to them. But it helps to break projects down into small steps. So if you’ve been thinking gee, I really need a fence in my yard, or, gee, my fence looks cruddy and I really need…

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