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Dog Digging under Fence

Let’s start this week with a few irrefutable facts: Americans keep more than 70 million dogs as pets, according to the American Pet Products Association. Between 37 and 47 percent of American households include a dog. Dogs dig. And chew. And jump. One hundred percent of our customers don’t want their dogs chewing on the…

broken fence

There comes that sad day in every fence’s life when it can no longer adequately encircle your yard. Beaten and battered, rusted or rotted, sagging or missing slats like teeth in a smile, the poor old workhorse must be dismantled.


The term “line of sight” has many exciting definitions. It can mean the straight line between a missile and its target, an object’s speed towards or away from the observer (also called radial velocity), or a double star

Pool Fence

Like everything else on your property, your fence is a consideration in your homeowner’s insurance policy. Now we’re not claiming to be insurance experts here, and we know there’s a wide variety of policies out there. In fact, did you know you can buy a policy to insure yourself against a zombie apocalypse or an…

Wire Fences

At Buzz, we see fences as individuals, each with their own style and personality. So when customers say, “just a chain link fence,” it always startles us.

Flowers on Fence

There’s an old joke about cemeteries and fences. It goes: Why are there fences around a graveyard? Because people are dying to get in! Granted, it’s a bad joke. But unfortunately, live people sometimes breach cemetery fences for evil purposes, especially around Halloween. These vandals demonstrate how important a good fence is to a cemetery.

Builder Man

When building a new fence, it’s best to build it on your own property. Obvious? Yes. But property lines can be tricky. Most homeowners assume they know where their property ends. But they might be wrong. Before investing in a fence, you really, really need to know your property lines. Enter the surveyor. Dressed in a…


What weighs 30 pounds, can sprint up to 45 miles per hour, jumps so athletically it appears to levitate, and eats everything from citrus food to snakes to livestock carcasses? It’s your not-so-friendly neighborhood coyote. And you definitely don’t want one in your yard – especially if you have cats, small dogs or livestock.

Chain Link Fence

If you look at online spring cleaning checklists, you’ll notice you’re supposed to wax floors and wash window treatments, and even vacuum the ceiling and polish window hardware, for crying out loud.

puppy proof wooden fence

Fences have a myriad of benefits: blocking your view of skinny dipping neighbors, preventing deer from chomping your garden, and giving you privacy when you’re relaxing on your patio furniture. Many of our customers are also thinking of the four-footers in their family when building a fence.

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