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What Is a Stockade Fence?
All About Stockade Fencing

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What Is a Stockade Fence?

A stockade fence is named after the fortifications often used at military and frontier outposts, which consisted of logs sharpened to a point and stuck in the ground. Today’s stockade fences look a little like these old-time fortifications with the vaguely pointed tips along the top, but of course aren’t nearly as threatening.

Stockade fencing consists of your usual posts and railings lined with pickets packed closely together. With no gaps between pickets, stockade fences offer a level of privacy that many other types of fencing don’t provide.

Stockade fencing is a great option for anyone looking for a solid privacy fence for their yard, garden, or pool. This style—which has pickets placed tightly together to obstruct vision—is popular among North Texas homeowners looking for attractive wood fencing.

Differences from Regular Picket Fences

In a stockade fence, each picket is butted up against the next one for a tight design that doesn’t let people peek through. Traditional picket fences, on the other hand, have a more open design since they’re more see-through.

Wood Stockade Fences

Stockade fencing is a great option if you want a natural wood fence around your back yard. Some of the most common types of wood used for stockade fences are softwoods like pine, cypress, redwood, spruce, and cedar.

Who Should Go for Stockade Fencing?

Stockade fencing is ideal for anyone who has a back yard and wants to safeguard their own privacy. Common applications include:

  • Garden fences
  • Back yard fencing
  • Enclosing a yard with a pool or back porch
  • Security – the points on top and tight design can help deter intrusion

Additionally, stockade fencing is great if you just like how it looks!

Benefits of Installing Stockade Fencing

With the tight design and high level of privacy well-built stockade fencing provides, there are many reasons why you’d want to install a stockade fence on your property.

Protect Your Privacy

As already mentioned, stockade fences have no gaps to peek through, keeping your back yard secure. This makes it a great option for families with children or pets who play outside during the day, not to mention or for anyone who owns a pool. With expertly designed stockade fencing, your yard can be your own little haven from prying eyes.

Good Windbreak

While Texas isn’t really known for high winds, they do happen occasionally, such as last April when we had higher than normal wind speeds. That said, it doesn’t take strong winds to make life a little more difficult—random breezes can be plenty problematic if you’re eating outside.

For instance, suppose you have friends and family over for a child’s birthday party and you’re using paper cups and plates. It doesn’t take much to blow paper products away, so a nice windbreak—such as a stockade fence—can be a great way to make your festivities a little less hectic.

Easy to Repair

Finally, stockade fences, like most picket fences, are pretty straightforward when it comes to repairs and maintenance. If any pickets become damaged, it’s easy to simply replace those individual pickets. There’s usually no need to replace entire sections of fence just to handle a little wear and tear.

Over time, your fence may need to be re-treated with some varnish. Not only is this a simple process, but it also gives you a chance to try out new colors if you want a change of scenery.

Stockade Fencing FAQs

Materials for stockade fencing average out to about $12 to $13 per linear foot plus any installation costs. We offer free estimates on all fences, so feel free to give us a call to discuss pricing.

Stockade fence panels are pre-built sections of fence used instead of individual pickets. Panels may be economical, but they can also be problematic since they don’t follow the grade of the ground as easily, often resulting in large gaps.

The best wood that we recommend is cedar. Cedar has a natural warm hue and a tight grain structure, making it great for wood stockade fences.

Wood Stockade Fences and Expert Installation in Texas

If you feel like a stockade fence would be a great fit for your yard, Buzz Custom Fence has you covered. We have decades of experience in fence design and installation, and we can help you design the perfect fence for your needs. To get started, contact Buzz Custom Fence today.