Buzz Custom Fence is your all-in-one source for fence construction, fence repair, gate installation, and more in the Anetta North area. We use only high-quality materials in our construction projects and are committed to customer service. When you sign on with Buzz, we guarantee the kind of results that you’ll be proud to show off!
Anetta North is all about natural beauty. It’s also a town with a firm stance on fences—according to a local ordinance, the structure “should not detract from a feeling and sense of openness along the roads.” When you have to follow certain guidelines regarding fences or gates, repairing or rebuilding these structures can seem a little intimidating. The good news, though? Buzz Custom Fence specializes in unique solutions, and we also work with local contractors in all of our projects. You can rest assured that a barrier by Buzz will protect your privacy, improve your home security, and beautify your land, all while remaining “on the up and up” in regards to municipal polices…thus keeping you out of trouble with the city council! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.
Local Reviews
for Annetta North, TX
Hoyt H.
Estimate to move and repair double gate.
Hoyt H.
Estimate to repair or replace drive gate that is dragging.
Don Y.